fredag 5 augusti 2011

Hey guys!

I'm sorry you have had to wait for me such a long time to hear my stories about Brazil. Unfortunatley I will leave you guys hanging a little longer... OK?

I am at work now, and I just felt like I wanted to present my "video of the week"

I have no explanation why I chose this song, except for this one: I can not stop playing it over and over! You who know me also know that this usually isn't my kind of music, but hey..maybe I've got myself wrong in this matter? It is never too late to reconsider your likes and dislikes, right? Just because I loved black pudding when I was a child, that doesn't mean I have to even like black pudding now, right? I think everybody has the right to feel sick even just thinking about something that you once loved...
even thinking about the thought of black pudding, makes me sick.